RefCell Smart Pointer
// Complete the following code. use std::cell::RefCell; fn main() { // storing value 5 on heap let ptr = RefCell::new(5); // get an immutable reference to the stored value let ref1 = ; println!("Stored value: {}", ref1); drop(ref1); // get a mutable reference to the stored value let mut ref2 = ; *ref2 = 6; // Note: we can mutate the value associated with ptr, even though it is not marked as mut println!("Stored value: {}", ref2); }
use std::cell::RefCell; fn main() { // storing value 5 on heap let ptr = RefCell::new(5); // get an immutable reference to the stored value let ref1 = ptr.borrow(); println!("Stored value: {}", ref1); drop(ref1); // get a mutable reference to the stored value let mut ref2 = ptr.borrow_mut(); *ref2 = 6; // Note: we can mutate the value associated with ptr, even though it is not marked as mut println!("Stored value: {}", ref2); }
Interior mutability
This is a helpful description. Read me to understand what to do!
// Fix the print_details method. You can only modify the method body. use std::cell::RefCell; struct Student { name: String, marks: u8, grade: RefCell<char>, } impl Student { fn new(name: &str, marks: u8) -> Self { Student { name: name.to_owned(), marks, grade: RefCell::new('X'), } } fn print_details(&self) { let grade = match self.marks { 0..=33 => 'C', 34..=60 => 'B', _ => 'A', }; self.grade = grade; println!( "name: {}, marks: {}, grade: {}",, self.marks, self.grade.borrow() ); } } fn main() { let student = Student::new("Harry", 70); student.print_details(); }
use std::cell::RefCell; struct Student { name: String, marks: u8, grade: RefCell<char>, } impl Student { fn new(name: &str, marks: u8) -> Self { Student { name: name.to_owned(), marks, grade: RefCell::new('X'), } } fn print_details(&self) { let grade = match self.marks { 0..=33 => 'C', 34..=60 => 'B', _ => 'A', }; *self.grade.borrow_mut() = grade; println!( "name: {}, marks: {}, grade: {}",, self.marks, self.grade.borrow() ); } } fn main() { let student = Student::new("Harry", 70); student.print_details(); }