Additional Resources
Moving on assignment
// Something's missing. Fix the code so that it compiles. fn main() { let s1 = String::from("Rust"); let mut s2 = s1; s2.push_str(" is an awesome language"); println!("String:\"{s1}\" is a substring of \"{s2}\""); }
fn main() { let s1 = String::from("Rust"); let mut s2 = s1.clone(); s2.push_str(" is an awesome language"); println!("String:\"{s1}\" is a substring of \"{s2}\""); }
Moving on assignment 2
// Fix the code so that it compiles. Modify only one statement. fn main() { let mut my_str = String::from("Example"); let mut temp; while my_str.len() > 0 { temp = my_str; println!("Length of temporary string is: {}", temp.len()); my_str.pop(); } }
The ownership of a value is assigned upon the assignment of the value itself. We need to be aware of the ownership of a value every time an assignment of a value occurs.
fn main() { let mut my_str = String::from("Example"); let mut temp; while my_str.len() > 0 { temp = my_str.clone(); println!("Length of temporary string is: {}", temp.len()); my_str.pop(); } }
Moving into function
// Fix the code so that it compiles. fn main() { let my_string = String::from("I love rust bootcamp 💕"); let occurence_count = count_occurences(my_string, 'o'); println!("The number of times 'o' apprears in \"{my_string}\" = {occurence_count}"); } // this function counts the number of times a letter appears in a text fn count_occurences(text: String, letter: char) -> u32 { let mut res = 0; for ch in text.chars() { if ch == letter { res += 1; } } res }
fn main() { let my_string = String::from("I love rust bootcamp 💕"); let occurence_count = count_occurences(&my_string, 'o'); println!("The number of times 'o' apprears in \"{my_string}\" = {occurence_count}"); } // this function counts the number of times a letter appears in a text fn count_occurences(text: &String, letter: char) -> u32 { let mut res = 0; for ch in text.chars() { if ch == letter { res += 1; } } res }
Moving out of function
// Make the following code compile by modifying only one statement. fn main() { let mut str1 = get_new_string(); println!("Printing through str1: {}", str1); let mut str2 = str1; println!("Printing through str2: {}", str2); str1 = str2; println!("Again printing through str1: {}", str1); str2 = str1; println!("Again printing through str2: {}", str2); println!("Printing thourgh both: {}, {}", str1, str2); } fn get_new_string() -> String { let new_string = String::from("I will master rust 🦀 🦀"); new_string } // string ownership is transferred to the calling function
fn main() { let mut str1 = get_new_string(); println!("Printing through str1: {}", str1); let mut str2 = str1; println!("Printing through str2: {}", str2); str1 = str2; println!("Again printing through str1: {}", str1); str2 = str1.clone(); println!("Again printing through str2: {}", str2); println!("Printing thourgh both: {}, {}", str1, str2); } fn get_new_string() -> String { let new_string = String::from("I will master rust 🦀 🦀"); new_string } // string ownership is transferred to the calling function