Creating Threads


Joining 1

// Modify the code to ensure that main thread waits for other threads to finish.

use std::thread;

fn main() {
    // print hello 10 times from spawned thread
    let handle = thread::spawn(|| {
        for i in 0..10 {
            println!("{i} Hello from spawned thread!")

    // print hello 10 times from main thread
    for i in 0..10 {
        println!("{i} Hello from main thread!");
use std::thread;

fn main() {
  // print hello 10 times from spawned thread
  let handle = thread::spawn(|| {
      for i in 0..10 {
          println!("{i} Hello from spawned thread!")

  // print hello 10 times from main thread
  for i in 0..10 {
      println!("{i} Hello from main thread!");

Joining 2

// Fix the code to make sure that sum is calculated correctly.

use std::{
    thread::{self, JoinHandle},

fn summation_thread(range: Range<u64>) -> JoinHandle<u64> {
    thread::spawn(|| {
        let mut sum = 0;
        for num in range {
            sum += num;

// calculate the sum of numbers 1..=40_00_000 using four threads
fn main() {
    let handle1 = summation_thread(1..10_00_000);
    let handle2 = summation_thread(10_00_000..20_00_000);
    let handle3 = summation_thread(20_00_000..30_00_000);

    let mut sum = 0u64;
    for num in 30_00_000..=40_00_000 {
        sum += num;
    println!("Sum of numbers 1..=40_00_000: {sum}");
    assert_eq!(sum, 8000002000000);
use std::{
  thread::{self, JoinHandle},

fn summation_thread(range: Range<u64>) -> JoinHandle<u64> {
  thread::spawn(|| {
      let mut sum = 0;
      for num in range {
          sum += num;

// calculate the sum of numbers 1..=40_00_000 using four threads
fn main() {
  let handle1 = summation_thread(1..10_00_000);
  let handle2 = summation_thread(10_00_000..20_00_000);
  let handle3 = summation_thread(20_00_000..30_00_000);

  let mut sum = 0u64;
  for num in 30_00_000..=40_00_000 {
      sum += num;
  sum += handle1.join().unwrap();
  sum += handle2.join().unwrap();
  sum += handle3.join().unwrap();
  println!("Sum of numbers 1..=40_00_000: {sum}");
  assert_eq!(sum, 8000002000000);


// When main thread terminates, all the spawned threads also get terminated.
// Make the main thread sleep for half a second before terminating, to ensure that spawned thread gets enough time to complete.
// Do not join the spawned thread.

use std::thread;

fn main() {
    thread::spawn(|| {
        println!("Count down from 10 to 1 🚀");
        for num in (1..=10).rev() {
            println!("Count down: {num}!");
    println!("Count up from 1 to 10...");
    for num in 1..=10 {
        println!("Count up: {num}");
use std::thread;
use std::time::Duration;

fn main() {
  thread::spawn(|| {
      println!("Count down from 10 to 1 🚀");
      for num in (1..=10).rev() {
          println!("Count down: {num}!");
  println!("Count up from 1 to 10...");
  for num in 1..=10 {
      println!("Count up: {num}");